About us

We utilize the NM Early Learning Guidelines as a basis for our curriculum and assessment, which transition each child from Infant through Kindergarten.  The Guiding Principles that form the basis for the New Mexico Early Learning Guidelines are as follows:

  • All children are respected as competent and unique individuals.
  • Infants are born learning and all young children are capable of learning.
  • Each child develops at his or her own pace.
  • Learning is integrated across domains.
  • Development occurs in the context of relationship.
  • Learning experiences begin with family.
  • The context of family and community culture influences every aspect of development.
  • Valuing children’s home language is vital to their development.
  • Young children learn by doing. Play and active learning are the best strategies to enhance young children’s development.
  • In order to assess the developmental progress of young children, the most reliable and informative assessment process is observation and documentation in activities and routines that take place throughout the program day. 
  • The information gained through authentic, observational assessment related to the guidelines is used to inform parents and plan individualized curriculum activities and strategies to help each child grow and develop.


Our Yellow Room is for children ages 6 weeks to 24 months, depending on mobility. The ratio for this room is 1 Teacher to 5 children.  The New Mexico Early Learning Guidelines for Infants and Toddlers are divided into five domains or areas of development.  The domains reflect universal aspects of infant and toddler development. Regardless of their ethnicity, language exposure, tribal affiliation, religious upbringing, and other experiential and environmental differences, all infants and toddlers, grow and develop within these domains: Beginning to Know About Ourselves and Others; Beginning to Communicate; Beginning to Build Concepts; Beginning to Move and Do; Approaches Toward Learning. 


Our Blue Room is for 2-3 year olds.  The ratio is 1 Teacher to 10 Children. There is an alignment of Infant/Toddler and 3-Year-Old through Kindergarten Guidelines. This transition takes place in the Blue Room where all learning goals and activities are individualized based on each child's assessment indicating where they fall in the alignment process. 


Our Green Room is for 3-4 year olds. The ratio is 1 Teacher to 12 Children.  The 3-Year-Old through Kindergarten Guidelines utilize the following domains for curriculum and assessment:  Self, Family and Community;   Literacy; Scientific Conceptual Understandings;  Numeracy; Physical Development, Health and Well-Being; Approaches to Learning; Aesthetic Creativity. 


Our Gym is for our Before and After School Program.  The children in this program are transported to and from school (depending on school & fee may apply) and provided with breakfast and snack.  Their curriculum is based on their interests and their families learning goals.  Homework is completed after snack and we allow time for self-selection so children are able to express themselves creatively and work cooperatively.  They have classroom responsibility and are taught in small and large group activities that focus on teamwork.